Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Conserve, Reuse, Recycle

Semrau makes his point when he says, “have you figured out yet that I’m going as a cadaver, an anatomical gift?”  His whole article leads up to this point, to show how he is helping the environment.

I definitely think that because Semrau keeps information, the reader is more interested in what he has to say.  The intent is to convince others to reduce, reuse, and recycle, a saying everyone knows well. He does this by showing the world what he is doing to help out the environment.  However, he also beats around the busy and rambles a bit about his life as an engineer.  When he talks about going to Harvard at such an old age, I was definitely interested in how that was possible, Harvard is very difficult to get into, and most likely impossible when you are so old.  When Semrau gets to his point, it suddenly all made much more sense to me. I thought more about going green, and about the little things I could do to help out the world around me. If right away Semrau had said, “I’m going to Harvard as a cadaver, I would have lost interest in what he was saying very quickly.  By making his point later, he can use the earlier portions of the article to explain his passion for helping the earth, and then show how he accomplishes this later. It definitely interested me!

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