Monday, October 25, 2010

Somehow, race always seems to be the issue

In his article, Mitch Albom points out that when the going gets tough, the tough find someone to blame. LeBron James could have said something about his big ego, but instead after he is asked about race being an issue chooses to use that as a way out because, as Albom states, "The moment you suggest someone is motivated by a prejudice, you can never prove it wrong, and you can always attack the accuser." 

I agree with Albom wholeheatedly. The race issue seems to be everywhere these days. It seems much easier to blame race than to admit if you have done something wrong. The race issue also, seems to come into play when people aren't at their peak, but a low point in their career.

Albom's best point is that when Leo is put in for LeBron, the ego really seems to show. Now, there is no question of race, because it is a fictional person of sorts, their race is not known. Yes, the fictional name is exactly what LeBron did, but take away race and all that's left is ego, that's all there is to it.

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